Tuesday, 27 December 2011

akk angkt bru...hehe...=)

kli aq nk ctew sal akk angkt aq yg bru...yew la an, yg sblm nie sume ntah g mnew...snyp gtu jew...fb pown xlyan...tp xpew...klau bru nie aq dpt awek skoll agme kli aq dpt akk agkt skoll agme...best, srnk tau...ilmu dieowng kn bnyk so sllu advce aq cm2...aq trme sbgai nsht utk dri aq k...papew pown kmi knal dlm fb jew...tp thun dpn ade pluang nk jmpew cbb die skoll at kuliah,pekan...so dpt la aq jmpe die cbb dkt jew ngn umah aq nk bndgkn ngn skunk mmg jauh bza la cbb umah die at slngr...papew pown this is she : 

nie la die...NABILAH NAIZ...LUV U SO MUCH AKK...<3

Friday, 23 December 2011

Masalah Lagi...Adoiii...;-(

serabut la aq...tiap kali ko on9 jew msti nk gdoh la pew...wt post yg mnyktkn hti owng la...ko xleh kew trme knytaan yg ko sndri yg wt plhan...aq xpham btol la...ko yg xleh time adk angkt aq...so,pndai2 la...jngn la nk lbat kn awek aq plak...aq hrap ko pham yew...aq bkn lg ko, aq mlik die k...ko buang aq...so, sndri pham la yea...


Thursday, 22 December 2011

Dia Lah Buah Hati Saya ----> Najdah Hanum

tgk ats nie cm due gmbr yg sme jew kn tp x...yg ats gf aq punye wall fb then yg bwah tu aq punye...kne wt sme bru nmpk sweet k...

aq hepi sngt ngn die...tp ada bza la aq ngn die...papew pown die mslmh k...skoll agme lg xcm aq...skoll hrian biase jew tp skoll SRK ok...

btol-2 xsngke yg hti aq leh trsngkt kt die...brthn plak...xprnh gdoh pown lg juz ada skli jew mslh bsr mnpe tp tu pown xgdoh k...settle bek k...

aq hope plhn aq utk plh die xsalah lg...syg kmu sngt-2 SAYANG...<3

Sunday, 11 December 2011

akhir nye brtmu jgak aq ngn fb die...

akhir nye aq jmpe fb dak jambori ngn aq dlu...xsmpt knal paew pown...juz smpat syum jew...papew pown die comel la jgak an tp aq tgk fb die cm xgne jew cbb ada 12 frenz jew...adoiii...papew pown ada la pic 2...2 jew la...1 tu mmg nmpk jlas la die 1 lg xbpew jlas...papew pown aq ttp hepy ble dpt jmpe fb die...hehehe...weee...~_-


lirik menyentuh hati kowt...henry gurney song

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

frst time dlm hdop dpt wkil skoll men bla, tp kli nie up cket cbb dpt tros wkil phng...mmg kngan terindah...kejohanan sukan (bola sepak) sekolah-sekolah premier zon timur malaysia

yg nie pic wktu men pringkt ngri phang jew...

yg bwah nie bru la wktu pringkt zon timur malaysia...

yg nie mlm pnyrhan jersi...mlm sblm hri kjhnn...

nk msok pdng kne la brtur dlu...salam-2

tgk tu...cikgu tu ciap chek nme lg tkowt ada pmain x brdftr...adoiii

cewah,nie la kesebelasan utame kmi...

brgrak ke tgh pdng...cewah, b4 gem strt nie...

yg nie plak pas gem abis...hmpe gak la klah...tp nk wt cm new...sklah tu bkn tndngn kmi lg...

yg nie pic ari last...time tgk pmpn lwn ntbl...pmpn blik bwk no kmi dok pown...hahahaa

begini la ksdhn kmi...
result bola :
smk ahmad, pekan pahang 0 - 4 smk sultan sulaiman, terengganu
smk ahmad, pekan pahang 1 - 6 smk sultan ismail, kelantan

Sunday, 13 November 2011

ptng yg bhgie brsme die...

salam sume,

ptng xd best gler kowt...frst tme kua ngn die...die kte yg die xmcm pew yg aq sngke kn klau jmpe...tp hkktnye an, bpak la cumel nye...gram aq ase...die bwak aq g jlan2 at tmpt yg die biase lpak...trkjut aq...bpak la jauh nye die bwak aq smpai jlan yg aq xprnh g pown die bwak....upenye die mmg ske kn ktngn...aq tnjuk an aq kwsn prkbrn arwah abg die...die jew ngn umah die...die pown tnjuk at aq tmpt yg abg die prnh psan at die soh g...at swah padi...die kte klau msok dpn cket ada pndok kcil...dr jauh pown aq dh nmpk pndok 2...tp swah 2 xlawa lg....die ckap klau tgh mghjau mmg lawa...so, skunk aq tggu mse la utk mlihat brsme die padi mghjau...heheheee...tp xd aq wt clap yg sngt bsar...aq ajk die g arena kjap...alaaa, tmpt ftsal tu la...tp cbb jauh sngt die kte die nk blik lah...spttnyer aq anta la die blik tp aq tros blah g2 jew...adoiii...mnysl plak aq wt cm tu at die...cian die jlan jauh2 sowng time nk blik...heheheee....papew pown ptng xd msti sngt spcial klau aq x wt clap...papew pown syg kmoo yuni...<3 <3 <3


Saturday, 12 November 2011

jnji kmi berdue...

[12:59:16 AM] mesofil palisade: saad..leh ta saad janji jgn tinggal kan yuni??
[12:59:25 AM] mohamad saad: bleh
[12:59:26 AM] mohamad saad: k
[12:59:33 AM] mohamad saad: saad jnji xkn tgglkn yuni
[12:59:56 AM] mohamad saad: kcuali mmg bnda 2 yg mmshkn kte k
[1:00:52 AM] mesofil palisade: oke...lege yuni bile dgr saad ckp citu:),ekaseh yea saad..
[1:01:05 AM] mesofil palisade: eppy yuni ase..
[1:01:27 AM] mohamad saad: yuni pown sme k

bce tu...xd kmi bru jew jnji yg kmi xkn tgglkn 1 sme len...wlaupown kmi xkpel cm owng len...tp kmi pgg pd 1...kpel juz mking PROBLEM...so kmi jnji...nie pown ada 1 lg bkti yg kmi smpan tau...aq edit sndri...juz smple tp ayt dlm 2 brmkne....

k...saad n yuni sahabat selamanyer...

nmpk 2...ciap ada lgu lg...hahahaaa... 

k la...papye

lega ase ati...

salam sume,

perghhh, lega ase arie nie ble yuni kte die dh blik pkan... 1 mlm xchat ngn die bosan yg tramat ase... wndoo plak 2... xd aq bru jew pas wbcm ngn die... comel kowt... aishhh...sbor jew la ngn kcmln die...papew pown, aq ttp syg die tau...muahhh...ambik ko...hahahaaa...

k la...salam

Thursday, 10 November 2011

skunk aq ada owng yg bleh hepikn aq...

salam wrge blog...

waaa...xsbar ase nye nk ctew bnda nie...skunk aq dah xsnyi cm dlu dh cbb skunk ada someone yg sllu ngn aq dlm ym...ym jew dlu...6t mju skype plak yea...dah2...die bek la ngn aq...nme die a**** a*****...aq juz pggil die yuni jew...wlaupown die dh brpnye tp die sempoi la ngn aq...syok jgak dpt knl die...mmg aq ase xilng die la like b4...xbesh la klau ada kwan lme cket brpsah bodo tnpe cbb...adoiii...aq bkan nk rmps die dr bf plak...juz nk tmbh knln rpt aq jew...tiap mlm msti aq webie ngn die tau...die cute la dlm vdeo...tp klau tgk real lg la cute...aq ase cm nk cbit2 jew...tp hbgn aq ngn kmi rhsiekn cbb xnk kcoh2 lg...6t bru la aq kcoh2kn...klau kowng nk tau spew...nah aq bg pic die...

btol x...comel kn die...

aq hrap hbngn kte sbgai kwan nie xdelah smpai bhnti...kte akn kwan smpai mti kn???heheheee
k la...dh lrut mlm dh nie...nie jewla crite aq kli nie...papew pown aq syg kau yuni...salam

Friday, 26 August 2011

~~~alya faqihah~~~

salam...arie nie aq nk kngsi smthng yg best...waa,aq dpt adik angkt bru la...nme die spt di ats...die dak ganu...skoll tg ibrahim...aq knal die pown dlm fb jew...biase la nme pown fb...die comel tau...jngn aq khlngn die dah la...2 jew la yg srng jd dlm hdop aq...asl ada jew msti ilng...aq xtau npew tp aq nk jge die bek2...taun nie pmr...aq kne bg die sprt cket...awl2 lg die dah mrngt kte trial ssh gler...biase la 2...k la...no idea...salam...abg syg adik tau...<3 <3 <3

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

penanda wacana


· Sedasarwasa ini sering meniti dari bibir ke bibir umat manusia di segenap empat penjuru dunia ini tentang isu …
· Era pascaperindustrian dan pascaglobalisasi yang serba mencabar akal dan minda kita telah ….
· Sudah terang lagi bersuluh, semakin hari kita semakin menghampiri ambang 2020. Keadaan ini menandakan titik permulaan pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan yang bakal menghambat.
· Dasawarsa ini, sama ada kita sedar atau tidak lantaran terlalu dihidangkan dengan pembangunan negara yang semakin gah di persada dunia. Namun disebalik itu, kita acapkali tersentak oleh pelbagai permasalahan sosial yang beronal yang dicetuskan oleh rakyat kita sendiri.
· Dalam dunia yang dilingkari kemajuan sains dan teknologi ini …
· Sejak dua dan tiga dekad kebelakangan ini memang kita dapat menyaksikan …


· Oleh itu, kebaikan dan keburukan yang mewarnai fokus perbincangan akan dihuraikan dengan terperinci demi kebaikan bersama.
· Sebagai memperkukuhkan lagi penyataan tersebut, punca-punca yang menunjangi masalah ini perlu diperincikan demi kebaikan bersama.
· Usaha pasti akan membuahkan hasil kalau pelbagai langkah yang efektif dan drastik dilakukan segera untuk mengatasi masalah yang sudah bersarang lama di negara kita ini.
· Setelah meneliti dan mengkaji sehingga ke akar umbi, saya bersetuju dengan pendapat yang menyatakan …….
· Tiada ubat yang tiada penawarnya, maka langkah-langkah yang konkrit, sistematik dan pragmatik harus dijalankan secara berterusan agar masalah ini boleh dibasmi hingga ke akar umbi.


· Kita dapat menyaksikan betapa…
· Kita seharusnya berterima kasih kepada pihak kerajaan kerana…
· Lazimnya, dalam keadaan …
· Namun demikian, suatu hakikat yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan ialah …
· Pada hemat saya …
· Pada pandangan saya …
· Pada realitinya, memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa …
· Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui
· Sebagaimana yang kita maklumi
· Sejak awal lagi
· Sejak kebelakangan ini
· Selain itu, pada masa ini juga
· Seperti yang telah dinyatakan
· Umum mengetahui bahawa
· Lanjutan daripada huraian yang telah dinyatakan di atas


· Bagi sesetengah orang …
· Begitu juga dengan …
· Begitu juga halnya dengan …
· Bertitik tolak daripada itu …
· Bukan itu sahaja …
· Dalam hal ini …
· Dalam konteks ini ..
· Dalam zaman yang serba canggih ini …
· Daripada realiti ini dapat kita katakan bahawa …
· Dengan adanya …
· Dengan berbuat demikian …
· Dengan perkataan lain ..
· Disebabkan hal itu
· Disebabkan keistimewaan inilah kita ..
· Hal ini berlaku disebabkan
· Hal ini penting dalam
· Hal ini serupa dengan
· Hal yang serupa berlaku apabila
· Ini disebabkan
· Ini membuktikan bahawa
· Ini menggambarkan bahawa
· Ini secara tidak langsung akan
· Ini semua meninggalkan kesan kerana
· Ini tentu sekali membuatkan
· Jadi kita perlu
· Jadi kita hendaklah
· Keadaan ini tentunya
· Lantaran itu sehingga kini
· Kesemua ini menyumbang kepada
· Kita mengakui hakikat bahawa
· Kita sering menonton di kaca televisyen
· Kita sering membaca di dada-dada akhbar
· Memandangkan keadaan yang sedemikian
· Namun sejak kebelakangan ini
· Oleh itu, bolehlah dikatakan
· Secara logiknya masa yang
· Sejak seawal usia kemerdekaan negara ini lagi, kita
· Keadaan ini seharusnya boleh
· Walaupun demikian, sejak akhir-akhir ini
· Kendatipun demikian, kita masih
· Yang paling nyata ialah
· Yang perlu kita pastikan ialah


· Berdasarkan perangkaan terkini yang diperoleh didapati sebanyak
· Bukti yang jelas dan terkini yang berkaitan dengan perkara ini menunjukkan
· Statistik yang sahih lagi tepat telah dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian ….. pada tahun …… menunjukkan bahawa sebanyak …………


· Sebagai contohnya
· Biar kita lihat
· Biar kita ambil contoh
· Bagi membuktikan perkara ini, contoh yang boleh diketengahkan ialah
· Sebagai analoginya,
· Contoh yang ketara yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah


· Intihanya,
· Sebagai menggulung segala yang telah diperkatakan di atas
· Konklusinya,
· Dengan ini diharapkan
· Bukan itu sahaja
· Mudah-mudahan perkara ini
· Dengan keizinan Tuhan yang maha esa, kita yakin dan percaya bahawa
· Jika semua masyarakat berganding bahu, ibarat ke bukit sama didaki, ke lurah sama dituruni, insyallah perkara ini akan …
· Demi merealisasikan visi kudsi Wawasan 2020, marilah kita bersama-sama


01. baik kaya ialah kaya hati,sebaik-baik bekal ialah takwa,seburuk-buruk buta ialah buta hati dan sebesar-besar dosa ialah berdusta.
02. Kecantikan yang abadi terletak pada keelokkan adab dan ketinggian ilmu seseorang, bukan terletak pada wajah dan pakaiannya. (Hamka).
03. Orang yang takut menghadapi kesukaran selamanya tidak akan maju. ~Horne
04. Yang dikatakan kawan bukanlah orang yang sentiasa memuji-muji kamu, tetapi adalah orang yang dapat menunjukkan kesalahan kamu.
05. Kalau hidup ingin merdeka, Tiada tercapai hanya berkata, Ke muka maju sekata, maju kita, Melemparkan jauh jiwa hamba. ~Usman Awang
06. "Dan berbuatlah kamu akan kebaikan supaya kamu mendapat kemenangan." ~Surah al-Hajj:77
07. "Maka sifat sabar itu adalah sikap yang baik, dan hanya Allah sajalah tempat meminta pertolongan" ~Surah Yusuf:18
08. Berunding cerdik dengan pandai, faham dua menjadi satu.
09. Yang paling kita perlukan dalam kehidupan ialah adanya seseorang yang selalu memberi semangat untuk melaksanakan hal-hal yang dapat kita kerjakan. ~Davey John Schwartz
10. "Peristiwa itu memberi pengajaran kepada saya mengenai bagaimana guru besar perlu bersikap profesional dan tidak menggunakan emosi dalam melakukan tindakan." ~Tengku Habsah Tengku Petera (Presiden Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan)
11. "Satu perkara yang menakutkan saya pada masa ini ialah peningkatan gejala rasuah. Secara umumnya, lebih tinggi rasuah yang ada, lebih kurang kemerdekaan yang dimiliki." ~Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz
12. Sabar penghilang penat, tekun pembawa dekat.
13. Lebih berharga mutiara sebutir daripada pasir sepantai.
14. Terbang bangau sepanjang hari, ke tasik jua akhirnya dicari.
15. Biar kamu tidak cantik di mata penduduk bumi tetapi namamu menjadi perbualan penduduk langit.
16. Siapa yang banyak bicara, banyak pula salahnya; siapa yang banyak salah, hilanglah harga dirinya; siapa yang hilang harga dirinya, bererti dia tidak warak; sedangkan orang yang tidak warak itu bererti hatinya mati. ~ Saidina Ali Abu Talib
17. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: "Akhlak yang buruk merosakkan amal seperti cuka merosakkan madu."
18. Kita sering mengimbas kembali kenangan lalu tetapi jarang sekali berusaha untuk mengejar impian hari esok.
19. Manusia yang berbuat baik dengan mengharapkan sesuatu balasan bukanlah manusia yang jujur. Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat, asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh dengan agama Allah. (surah Al-Baqarah:214)
20. Kekitaan yang erat tiada yang berat.
21. Belajarlah berdiri dahulu sebelum cuba untuk berlari.
22. Orang bakhil tidak akan terlepas daripada salah satu daripada empat sifat yang membinasakan iaitu; dia akan mati dan hartanya akan diambil warisnya, lalu dibelanjakan bukan pada tempatnya atau; hartanya akan diambil secara paksa oleh penguasa yang zalim atau; hartanya menjadi rebutan orang-orang jahat dan akan digunakan untuk kejahatan atau; adakalanya harta itu akan dicuri dan digunakan untuk berfoya-foya. - SAIDINA ABU BAKAR
23. Kekayaan yang hilang boleh dikejar dengan usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh. Kesihatan yang hilang boleh diperolehi dengan ubat-ubatan yang baik tetapi masa yang hilang sekali hilang akan terus hilang.
24. Jadilah seperti pohon kayu yang berbuah lebat, dibaling dengan batu dibalas dengan buah.
25. Tunjuk menjadi telaga budi, ajar menjadi suluh hati.

Teknik Menghasilkan Rumusan Berkesan


A. MENULIS PENGENALAN: 1. Tulis dan ubah perkataan daripada kunci kata soalan pertama sahaja. (tidak boleh ada perkataan ‘dan’ dalam pengenalan. 
2. Mengubah maksud perkataan kunci kata pertama soalan: 
faktor = punca = sebab = penyebab = perkara yang mempengaruhi 
langkah = inisiatif = cara = kaedah = tindakan 
kesan = implikasi = kebaikan = keburukan = kesan positif = kesan negatif
ciri = sifat = bentuk 
masalah = halangan = cabaran = kekangan 

3. Contoh: 
1. Rumuskan langkah-langkah mengatasi hakisan tanah dan faedahnya kepada masyarakat. 
Pengenalan rumusan : 
Rencana membincangkan cara-cara mengatasi hakisan tanah. 

2. Buat satu rumusan tentang faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya banjir kilat di kawasan Bandar dan implikasinya kepada pembangunan di kawasan Bandar tersebut. 
Pengenalan rumusan : 
Petikan membincangkan punca-punca yang menyebabkan berlakunya banjir kilat di kawasan Bandar. 

3. Rumuskan ciri-ciri yang terdapat di dalam diri seorang pelajar cemerlang dan langkah melahirkan pelajar cemerlang. Panjang rumusan hendaklah tidak lebih 120 patah perkataan. 

Pengenalan rumusan : Rencana membincangkan sifat-sifat yang terdapat di dalam diri seorang pelajar cemerlang. 

4. Baca petikan di bawah dan buat satu rumusan tentang kepentingan sektor pertanian kepada Negara kita dan langkah untuk memajukan sektor pertanian negara. Panjang karangan mestilah tidak melebihi 120 patah perkataan. 
Pengenalan rumusan : Rencana tersebut membincangkan faedah sektor pertanian kepada Negara.

5. Buat satu rumusan tentang keburukan makanan ringan kepada kanak-kanak dan cara-cara untuk mencegahnya. Panjang rumusan anda hendaklah tidak melebihi 120 patah perkataan. 
Pengenalan rumusan : Rencana tersebut membincangkan kesan negatif makanan ringan kepada kanak-kanak. 

B. MENULIS ISI TERSURAT: 1. Isi jawapan berdasarkan kunci kata soalan yang pertama. (gunakan kunci kata dalam soalan. Jangan ubah) 
2. Isi hanya yang terdapat dalam petikan sahaja. 
3. Beri maksimum 6 isi. (Jumlah isi tersurat dan tersirat ialah 8 isi) 
4. Jika kurang isi tersurat, jangan panik. Tambah isi tersirat anda. 
5. Jika jumlah perkataan masih kurang 120 perkataan, anda digalakkan tambah isi tersurat. 
6. Pastikan maksimum 2 isi dalam satu ayat. SEBAIK-BAIKNYA 1 isi dalam I ayat. 
7. Gunakan penanda wacana untuk menggabungkan setiap ayat. 

8. Contoh penggunaan ayat: 

Contoh 1: Rumusan yang baik.(Katakanlah faktor banjir kilat) 

-Faktor utama yang menyebabkan banjir kilat ialah keadaan longkang yang tersumbat. 
-Selain itu, faktor yang lain termasuklah kurangnya kadar serapan air di kawasan bandar. 
-Sementara itu, hujan lebat yang berterusan juga turut menjadi faktor fenomena tersebut. 
-Terdapat juga faktor kurangnya sistem perangkap sampah di kawasan sungai berhampiran. 
-Di samping itu, kekurangan tumbuhan di bandar menyebabkan banjir kilat terjadi. 
-Faktor penyebab yang terakhir ialah hakisan tanah yang dihasilkan oleh pembinaan di Bandar. 

Contoh 2 : Rumusan kurang baik. (akan ditolak 1 markah bahasa) 

-Faktor pertama yang menyebabkan banjir kilat ialah keadaan longkang yang sempit. 
-Faktor kedua ialah kurangnya kadar serapan di kawasan bandar. 
-Faktor ketiga ialah hujan lebat yang berterusan di bandar. 
-Faktor keempat ialah kekurangan tumbuhan di bandar. 
-Faktor terakhir ialah hakisan tanah dari kawasan pembinaan. 

9. JANGAN gunakan perkataan ‘harus/ patut/ mesti/ wajib/ hendaklah/ wajarlah’ dan lain-lain yang berbentuk cadangan. (Tiada markah diberi jika perkataan ini digunakan) 
Salah : Langkah mengatasinya ialah kerajaan harus menguatkuasakankan undang-undang. 
Sepatutnya : Langkah mengatasinya ialah kerajaan menguatkuasakan undang-undang. 

Salah : Selain itu, kerajaan harus mengenakan denda yang tinggi kepada pesalah trafik. 
Sepatutnya : Selain itu kerajaan mengenakan denda yang tinggi kepada pesalah trafik. 

10. Contoh :
Contoh 1 :Rumuskan faktor kemalangan jalan raya dan langkah mengatasinya. 

"Kemalangan jalan raya kerap berlaku di lebuh raya. Hal ini telah banyak menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa dan kerugian harta benda. Kejadian seperti ini perlu dibendung dan sikap orang ramai menjadikan jalan raya sebagai tempat berlumba-lumba harus disekat. " 

Isi tersurat : 
-Faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya ialah sikap orang ramai menjadikan jalan raya sebagai tempat berlumba-lumba. 
Contoh 2 : Rumuskan kesan-kesan kemajuan teknologi kepada negara dan masalah yang dihadapi. 

"Banyak kemajuan tercapai apabila manusia memperkenalkan sains dan teknologi. Pelbagai jenis ciptaan turut dihasilkan sehingga menyebabkan tugas yang dilaksanakan oleh orang ramai menjadi lebih mudah." 

Isi tersurat : 
Selain itu, kesan kemajuan teknologi kepada negara ialah tugas yang dijalankan oleh orang ramai menjadi lebih mudah. 
Contoh 3 : Rumuskan ciri-ciri tanaman kontan di negara kita dan kepentingannya. 

"Antara tanaman kontan tersebut termasuklah getah dan kelapa sawit. Tanaman ini banyak ditanam di sini kerana tanah lateritnya yang subur. Hasil tanaman ini adalah digunakan untuk jualan yang memberi keuntungan kepada negara." 

Isi tersurat : 
Ciri-ciri pertanian kontan yang lain termasuklah digunakan sebagai jualan bagi memberi keuntungan kepada negara. 
Contoh 4 : Rumuskan kesan negatif kafe siber dalam kalangan remaja dan langkah mengatasinya. 

"Umum mengetahui perkembangan kafe siber begitu pesat sehingga seperti cendawan tumbuh. Banyak pihak berpendapat bahawa perkembangan ini amat wajar bagi meningkatkan kemajuan IT dalam kalangan penduduk. Namun segelintir kecil menentangnya dengan alasan bahawa tempat ini akan menjadi tempat berkembangnya gejala sosial dalam kalangan remaja. " 

Isi tersurat : 
Kesan negatif yang terakhir ialah kafe siber akan menjadi tempat berkembangnya masalah sosial dalam kalangan masyarakat. 

C. MENULIS ISI TERSIRAT: 1. Berdasarkan kunci kata soalan yang kedua
2. Isi bahagian ini perlu anda fikir sendiri dan bukan diambil dari petikan juga. 
3. Jika isi tersirat yang anda fikirkan sudah ada dalam petikan juga, jangan ambil sebagai isi anda. 
4. Penggunaan ayat dan penanda wacana adalah sama dengan isi tersurat.
5. Jumlah minimum ialah 2 isi tetapi jika isi tersurat kurang, bahagian isi ini perlu ditambah. 
6. JANGAN gunakan perkataan ‘harus/ patut/ mesti/ wajib/ hendaklah/ wajarlah’ dan lain-lain yang berbentuk cadangan. (Tiada markah diberi jika perkataan ini digunakan) 

7. Contoh : 
Contoh 1 : Rumuskan kesan-kesan kemajuan teknologi kepada negara dan masalah yang dihadapi. 

"Banyak kemajuan tercapai apabila manusia memperkenalkan sains dan teknologi. Pelbagai jenis ciptaan turut dihasilkan sehingga menyebabkan tugas yang dilaksanakan oleh orang ramai menjadi lebih mudah." 

Isi tersirat : 
Masalah yang dihadapi dalam menyebarkan kemajuan teknologi ialah kekurangan pakar yang mampu memberi perkhidmatan dalam bidang ini kerana masih baru di negara kita. 
Contoh 2 : Rumusan tentang kepentingan sektor pertanian kepada negara kita dan langkah untuk memajukannya. 
Isi tersirat : 
-Langkah untuk memajukan sektor pertanian yang seterusnya ialah kerajaan memberi kemudahan subsidi baja kepada para petani. 
Contoh 3 : Rumuskan faktor kemalangan jalan raya dan langkah mengatasinya. 

"Kemalangan jalan raya kerap berlaku di lebuh raya. Hal ini telah banyak menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa dan kerugian harta benda. Kejadian seperti ini perlu dibendung dan sikap orang ramai menjadikan jalan raya sebagai tempat berlumba-lumba harus disekat." 

Isi tersirat : 
Langkah mengatasi kemalangan jalan raya yang terakhir adalah dengan menguatkuasakan undang-undang jalan raya kepada pemandu yang menyalahi peraturan di jalan raya. 

Contoh 4 : Rumusan tentang keburukan makanan ringan kepada kanak-kanak dan cara-cara untuk mencegahnya. 
Isi tersirat : 
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, langkah lain ialah ibu bapa memberi didikan agar anak-anak memilih makanan yang seimbang. 

D. MENULIS PENUTUP / ULASAN: 1. 3 aspek perlu ditulis iaitu: 
i. siapa bertindak ii. apa tindakan iii. tujuan tindakan 
2. Ayat mesti mengandungi perkataan berikut: 
i. Kesimpulannya / Oleh itu / Justeru / Maka / Jadi 
ii. harus / patutlah / mestilah / wajarlah / harus / patut 
iii. supaya / agar 
3. Ayat seharusnya berbunyi begini : 

Contoh 1 : 
Kesimpulannya, (siapa bertindak) harus (apa tindakan) agar (tujuan tindakan). 

Contoh 2 : 
Oleh itu, (siapa bertindak) harus (apa tindakan) agar (tujuan tindakan). 

4. Contoh jawapan ulasan rumusan anda: 
Contoh 1 :
Rumuskan faktor penyalahgunaan dadah dan langkah membanterasnya. 

Ulasan rumusan: 
Kesimpulannya, kerajaan dan masyarakat harus berganding bahu agar masalah penyalahgunaan dadah dapat diatasi. 
Contoh 2 :
Buat rumusan tentang ciri makanan seimbang dan kebaikan makanan tersebut. 

Ulasan rumusan: 
Oleh itu, ibu bapa harus mendidik anak-anak mereka agar bijak memilih makanan yang seimbang. 

Contoh 3 :
Rumuskan inisiatif untuk menggalakkan pelajar membaca dan masalah yang dihadapi.

Ulasan rumusan: 
Oleh hal yang demikian, para pelajar patut bijak memilih buku yang dibaca agar mendapat pengetahuan yang berfaedah. 
Contoh 4 :
Rumuskan faedah penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam sains dan matematik serta permasalahannya.

Ulasan rumusan: 
Kesimpulannya, para pelajar haruslah menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran tersebut agar mutu bahasa Inggeris mereka dapat dipertingkatkan. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

AnTrA aDiAh Yg Aq AdA...LuRvE All...

nie antra nye...

yg nie sbnr nye tbung...
adiah dr akk angkt wktu aq skoll seri rompin...
yg nie smpne bufday aq yg ke 15...
yg nie bntl leher...
adiah dr akk angkt yg sme...
mug ats nie pown dr akk angkt...

yg nie smpne dedication day...
nie die bg cbb nk bg aq smngt 4 PMR...

k,yg 2 bwah nie yg last...
ke2 2 nie adiah dr owng yg ada dlm adiah 2...
yg smpna bufday aq...

Friday, 13 May 2011

bru aq pasan yg aq pnah copy mcg die...

30 December 2010_00:13:13=Last w0rds fr0m me: 0p epy s0km0 actualy ngn tqh,.jge ye mlek2 neh.,te ja0h 6t i’ll try 2 f0rget 2 syg..bia p0wn rse syg ad tp sy cbe wt yg tbek t0k hbgn awk ngn tkh,tjuan sy bkn na mnx smpti saad,cme na luahkn pe ada kt aty sy.,sbak sy ble pkkn awk,sy epy sgt spnjg sy ngn awk bia p0wn ad trlke,dsbbkn syg sy tr0zkn..bkn sng na cri tman sbek awk,untg spe dpt mliki aty awk..kngn kte brsma trllu mns t0k dlpakn syg..ta pna sy rse sbhgie e2 dngn 0wg yg sy srhkn spnh ksh syg sy,kprcyaan sy..bkn mdh smua 2 na dkburkn..skiranya hdiah yg ad pda awk 2 awk rse brhrge,smpnla..jka ta,buang saad,..sy ad sara je pnmn sy..2 je yg sy ad t0k hlgkn brat rndu yg sy tgong..

30 December 2010 _00:22:49=Ary nEy ktE jLn skaLi,bEz kn jLn smBil BrgrAu,tp lg bEz blE awk bg hdiaH 2,2 lh hdIah pLing sy xLey lpE,snyuMn mNIS awk,Es0k2,blE sy xlEY jLn,sy nk awk irIngi sy,msE nEy sy dh xLey nK pnggl awk Cm sLLu,awk y kne dtg,msE nEy gak sy nk hdIah lg,tp sy dh xnK snyUmn awk 2,sy nk AL-FTHAH,awk bCekn uTK sy eX,Cbb sy dh xlEy bcE SndRi,ps2 blE ad owg Ltak sy bwH ppan,awk jgn ngis@cri sY cbb sy dh xlEy tGur awk,sy MtK tLg 1 nEy ngn awk,jNji ex!!mCg nEy sy Tlis sblm sy ad bwH tnaH,jD MCg nEy lH Tlg smpaikn kt awk&nk psn kt awk lw awk ase awk rnDU sy,awk tgklh bulAn,jnji tw mgkn sy di ats snE,jnji sy xKn lpEkn kwn2 sy kt snE,Skali ngn awk,awk jgn cdih tw bcE mcg nEY,mcG ney lh bg st knngn utk awk smpai blE2!!sy nk awk hepy bcE mcg ney,awk jgn cdih tw,dh tkdir sy kt cney,,(^_^)

30 December 2010_00:40:51=Dan yg pntg skli,maafkn sy krn tlah bwa awk ke lmbh mksiat..sm0ge allh mgampnkn d0sa kta..than sygkn kta krna ta biakn kte lbh trlanjur..sme2 la kta d0a agr bnda 2 ta brulg lg slgi bl0m mndrikn rmh tge..d0akn sy bhgie jga jka ta kbrtan..maaf jka spnjg pknln kta byk prkra yg mmbbnkn awk dsbbkn kslpn sy..awk ttp dlm hty sy.,jka awk aggp kta2 sy ni stu grauan…trplag.,e2 la hkktye…ta pna sklpn sy lpekn awk..smua bnda sy wt pst ad kaitan ngn awk..Trllu skar t0k sy saad..hty sy ta skbal 0wg len..bley than dgn smua ni..2 bkan sy,..sy ta skuat dye0ng,sy usha cri 0wg yg bt0l2 bley fham prsaan sy..ta jmpe…sye tgong sndri,.pe2 p0wn wish u epy alwayz k..slmt brhjrh ke skla bru ye.,salam,.


In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin

In the Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but on their brows
there was not a sign of despair
The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son’s
albino buffalo that was never found
They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their ciggarete leaves

In this poem, the poet tells of the situation of a farmer and his family. They come back at dawn after being out in the floodwater for a day and night. They are looking for their albino buffalo. They come back wet and hurt but they do not show any despair. They have been born into a life of hardship and have never complained. Now, they are in the kitchen and they joke and talk while preparing to relax with a smoke.


They returned home at dawn and headed for the stove. Their clothes were soaking wet and tattered. Their bodies were covered with scratches and wounds. Yet, they did not display any signs of being worried.

They were out in the flood the whole day and night. They were surrounded by dead animals and parts of trees that had been destroyed by the flood. They searched desperately for their son’s albino buffalo but were unable to find it.

They were born into poverty and difficulty, but they do not complain about their suffer. Instead, they sit in the kitchen, cracking jokes while smoking cigarettes.

The setting of the poem is in the house.

§  Stoicism in life
§  Family love
§  Acceptance of way of life
  1. We should learn to accept problems in life with a positive outlook.
  2. We must attempt to face and solve problems.
  3. Failure is part of growing up.
  4. Do not despair in the face of failure.
§  Understanding and sympathetic
§  Dismal
§  Acceptance of situation
§  Third person pint of view.
§  Language is simple and easy to understand.
§  The style is simple with no rhyming scheme.
§  Imagery – Gives picture of poet’s thoughts e.g ‘soaky clothes torn’ and ‘legs full of wounds’
§  Alliteration – e.g. ‘but on their brows’
§  Symbols – e.g. ‘horrendous flood’ and ‘bloating carcasses’
§  Diction – e.g. ‘stove’ and ‘brows

He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo

He had such quiet eyes
She did not realise
They were two pools of lies
Layered with thinnest ice
To her, those wuiet eyes
Were breathing desolate sighs
Imploring her to be nice
And to render him paradise
If only she’d been wise
And had listened to the advice
Never to compromise
With pleasure-seeking guys
She’d be free from ‘the hows and whys’
Now here’s a bit of advice
Be sure that nice really nice
Then you’ll never be losing at dice
Though you lose your heart once or twice

§  Betrayal of love
§  Personal experiences
§  Relationships that are meaningful
§  Don’t be naive and believe everything we are told especially in matters of the heart.
§  We must be careful when choosing friends.
§  Falling in love is normal but one should be careful.
§  We must learn from the experience of other people.
§  Refelective
§  Sad and happy
§  Sympathetic
§  Second and third person points of view
§  Simple and easy to understand
§  Simple style with rhyming scheme
§  Imagery – e.g. ‘pools of lies’, ‘layered in thinnest ice’
§  Symbol – e.g ‘quiet eyes’, ‘dice’
§  Alliteration – e.g ‘lies layered’
§  Personafication – e.g The eyes were ‘breathing the desolate sighs’ as though he was talking charmingly to her

Nature by H.D. Carberry

We have neither Summer nor Winter
Neither Autumn nor Spring.
We have instead the days
When the gold sun shines on the lush green canefields-
The days when the rain beats like bullet on the roofs
And there is no sound but thee swish of water in the gullies
And trees struggling in the high Jamaica winds.
Also there are the days when leaves fade from off guango trees’
And the reaped canefields lie bare and fallow to the sun.
But best of all there are the days when the mango and the logwood blossom
When bushes are full of the sound of bees and the scent of honey,
When the tall grass sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air,
When the buttercups have paved the earth with yellow stars
And beauty comes suddenly and the rains have gone.

The poem tells of the weather conditions in Jamaica although it does not have the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The weather conditions of golden sunny days and wet rainy days are just as good and are almost equivalent to the four seasons.


Lines 1 to 10
The poet tells about his homeland , Jamaica and rejoices the beauty of this island. Jamaica has no seasonal changes. It has a tropical climate which is hot and wet throughout the year. The days of golden sunshine are glorious and magnificent. The are many canefields in Jamaica as sugar is one of the main exports in this country.

Lines 11 to 15

In the ending of the poem, the poet tells us his favourite time – days when the flowers of mango trees and logwood blossom. He uses imagery of sound and smell to illustrate abundant life and activity in the bushes when the ‘sound of bees and the scent of honey’ add to the charm and beauty if Jamaica. He describes the fields filled with lovely yellow buttercups. All this happens when the rains have stopped and the beauty if nature emerges once again.

§  Beauty of nature
§  Appreciation of one own’s country
§  Differences in appearances but similar in effects
§  We should appreciate what we have in our own country
§  We should not long for what we do not have.
§  We should be aware that different people have different skills or beauty.
§  Appreciative and happy
§  Carefree and light-hearted
§  Sense of beauty
§  Third person point of view
§  Simple and easy to understand the language
§  Clear and descriptive
§  Simple style with no rhyming scheme
§  Imagery – e.g. ‘gold sun’, ‘lush green fields’, ‘trees struggling’
§  Alliteration – e.g. ‘sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air’
§  Symbols – e.g. ‘gold sun’ – symbol of summer, ‘rains’ – symbol of winter
§  Contrast – e.g. ‘beauty’ or summer is compared with ‘rains’ or winter
§  Figurative Language  – Simile – ‘rain beats like bullets’
§  Metaphor – e.g. ‘the buttercups paved the earth with yellow stars’
§  Personafication – ‘buttercups have paved the earth’ …  buttercups have been personified as having laid tiles

Are You Still Playing Flute by Zurinah Hassan

The Original Version of the Poem

Masihkah Kau Bermain Seruling oleh Zurinah Hassan

Masihkah kau bermain seruling
walau waktu telah terlewat untuk kita bercinta
aku semakin terasa bersalah
melayani godaan irama
lagu yang tersimpan pada lorong halus buluh
dikeluarkan oleh nafas seniman
diukir oleh bibir
diatur oleh jari
dilayangkan oleh alun angin
menolak ke dasar rasa.

Masihkah kau bermain seruling
ketika kampung semakin sunyi
sawah telah uzur
waktu jadi terlalu mahal
untuk memerhatikan hujan turun
merenung jalur senja
mengutip manik embun
menghidu harum bunga.

Masihkah kau bermain seruling
ketika aku terasa mata bersalah
untuk melayani rasa rindu padamu
di kota yang semakin kusut dan tenat
adik-adikku menganggur dan sakit jiwa
bangsaku dipecahkan oleh politik
saudara diserang bom-bom ganas
dunia sudah terlalu tua dan parah.

Di sinilah berakhirnya percintaan kita
kerana zaman sedang menuntut para seniman
hidup di luar dirinya.

Are you still playing your flute?
When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.

Are you still playing your flute?
In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice fields
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.

Are you still playing your flute?
The more it disturbs my conscience
to be thinking of you
in the hazard of you
my younger brothers unemployed and desperate
my people disunited by politics
my friend slaughtered mercilessly
this world is too old and bleeding.

§  Family commitments
§  Priorities in life
§  Neglect of one’s duties
§  We should be aware of our family commitments and carry them out properly.
§  Everyone has priorities in, life and we should know what is important and what is not.
§  Following a hobby is good but there is a time for work and a time for play.
§  The poem is the first point of view.
§  The person is addressing another person and describing a situation to him.
§  Rhetorical question
§  Descriptive and questioning
§  Simple style and no rhyme
§  Sombre and regretful
§  Serious atmosphere
§  Imagery – e.g. ‘blown by the wind’, ‘depth of my heart’
§  Alliteration – e.g. ‘fragrance of flowers’
§  Symbol – e.g. ‘flute’, ‘song’
§  Repetition – e.g. ‘Are you still playing your flute?’
§  Figurative Language – Metaphor e.g. ‘The melody concealed in the slime hollow of bamboo – Personification e.g. ‘sick rice field’



'QWERTYUIOP’ is about a poor, young graduate named Lucy Beck who has just finished her ‘O’ levels at Belmont Secretarial College. She is a slow learner herself but she is determined to find a job in order to get out of poverty. Fortunately, she is offered a job by Mr. Ross, the Manager of Ross and Bannister’s. However, she begins to face problems from her first day of work. She encounters many peculiar incidents when she starts using the electric typewriter. Whenever Lucy types, the words “QWERYUIOP” which is on the top lines on the keyboards will keep on appearing. She is determined to keep on her job, so she tries to overcome her fear. Later, she finds out that there is a spirit lingering around the office. She finds out from that Miss Broome, a former secretary of the late Mr Bannister was forced to retire after working for forty-three years. That was why the spirit of Miss Broome is adamant in holding on to her position as the company’s secretary. Towards the end of the story, Lucy tries to get rid of the spirit that has been haunting that place for many years. She assured Miss Broome that the late Mr Bannister needs her in the afterlife. She managed to convince Miss Broome to leave and finally she could maintain her job.

The story was set in a small town, Belmont and it revolves around two main settings:
Ø Lucy’s house which she shares with her mother and her Uncle Bert,
In a poor neighbourhood
Ø The office of Ross and Bannister’s where Lucy works as a secretary.
It is a small firm which is over thirty years old.
The main character, Lucy Beck is introduced and she lives with her mother and uncle. She has completed her secretarial course and wants a job. She is tried living in poverty and wants to lead a better life.
Rising Action~
Lucy managed to get a job as a secretary at Ross and Bannister’s after being interviewed by Mr. Ross. Harry Darke explained to Lucy that she needs to use the typewriter to do her work. Whenever Lucy types, the typewriter tries to control her. The word “QWERTYUIOP” keeps on appearing each time she types. Lucy types questions in order to investigate the mystery behind it. Harry Darke informs her of the old former secretary, the late Miss Broome, who was forced to resign.
Climax –
Lucy is determined to defend her job and she started to type another copy by fixing her eyes on the keys. She was surprised when the typewriter typed out a threatening note. Through the battle of wits between Lucy and the spirit of Miss Broome at the typewriter, Lucy managed to gather all her courage. She erased all the words and she managed to type all her letters and sent it to be signed by Mr Ross.
Falling action –
Lucy feels sorry for Miss Broome after she heard about Miss Broome’s loneliness and depression after losing her job. She sympathized Miss Broome and tries to persuade her to leave in peace. Lucy convinced her that Mr Bannister needs her help in the afterlife.
Resolution -
The typewriter become silent and Lucy types a goodbye note to Miss Broome. There was no reply and Lucy was relieved as she has finally helped the spirit of Miss Broome to find peace at last.
A young seventeen year old lady who got a job as a secretary at Ross and Banister’s
She is a young, shy, a low achiever, not competent and highly qualified and insecure graduate of secretarial studies.
Textual evidence:
Lucy Beck was young and small and mouse-coloured, easily overlooked.
She had a lonely ‘O’ level and a typing speed that would make a tortoise laugh.
She has a very low self esteem, inferior complex, no confidence and pessimistic
Textual evidence:
She is wondering who will employ her as she is aware of her inadequacies.
Lucy assumes that there are more qualified and brighter people than her who are qualified for the job vacancy.
She became ambitious, determined and optimistic to change her life style.
Textual evidence:
Lucy is tired of being poor and she is fed up with macaroni cheese and baked beans. She is also sick of wearing second-hand clothes. She gathered her strength and determined to get a job to get out of poverty.
Lucy becomes enthusiastic and a quick learner when she got a job. She also became courageous when she has to face the conflict with the spirit of Miss Broom.
Textual evidence:
Lucy got a job at Ross and Bannister’, a small firm with a factory just outside the town. She is so excited so came to her work place on Monday morning, at ten to nine and waited as the door to the office is closed. She faces problems when each time she types, the word ‘QWERTYUIOP” appears on the paper. When she finds that it was the ghost of Miss Broom, she became courageous and keep typing and liquid the unwanted words and reached the end of the letter by triumph.
Lucy became sympathetic, caring, insightful and understanding after knowing Miss Broome’s history. She took the initiative to look for an amicable solution.
Textual evidence:
Lucy is shocked when she heard the news about Miss Broome from Harry Darke. She was forced to stop working after she had been working for forty three years. Lucy sympathizes Miss Broome
and tells her that Mr Bannister is only acting out of concern as he was worried of her health. Lucy managed to convince Miss Broome that the late Mr Bannister needs her help in the after life.
The spirit of Ms Broome who haunts the office where she once worked as she is so attached to her job.
Loyal, dedicated and took her job seriously at Ross and Bannister’s.
Textual evidence:
Ms Broome had worked for forty three years :girl, woman, old misery. She is unwilling to let go of her position and continues to defend her post, even after her demise.
Lonely as she had no family and friends.
Textual evidence:
The office was her home; the job was all she lived for as she did not have any family of her own. She had no place worth to go and she insists to stay on.
She is persistence, vengeful and also possessive over her secretarial job at Ross and Bannister’s.
Textual evidence:
Miss Broome dies but she does not want to leave her job and insist to stay on. She types nasty messages to new secretaries to instill fear. The typewriter rocked as if with laughter, its keys clicking like badly fitting false teeth. She creates havoc with intention to scare those who will replace her place at the office.
Finally she is convinced that she should leave as her help is needed.
Textual evidence:
Miss Broom leaves the office permanently after Lucy managed to convince her that Mr Bannister needs her help in the afterlife. The typewriter became silent, sunlight glittered on its keys making them looked wet.
Ross and Bannister’s handyman. He is an old man who has been working with the company for years.
Helpful and concern
Textual evidence:
He does all the odd jobs in the office and helps out new employees. He is helpful in giving useful information to Lucy regarding the spirit of Miss Broome and shows concern to her. He even told Lucy not to be like a frightened mouse, and not to worry.
A loyal worker at Ross and Bannister’s.
Textual evidence:
He has been working for thirty years with Ross and Bannister’s, retired with a silver watch but still can’t keep away from his job.
Encouraging and supportive to his colleague
Textual evidence:
He praises Lucy for her braveness and determination to keep on her job even after she has confronted the spirit of Miss Broome. He said that Lucy is no longer the timid mouse and she is a right little lion. Then he gives her chocolate biscuits with her tea as a credit and encouragement.
She is a patient and hardworking housewife who live a hard life. She has to support her brother.
Content with her status in life.
Textual evidence:
Mrs Beck is satisfied with her status, she said to Lucy that “We are jumble sailors on the rough sea of life.” Thus she accepts her fate and shows no actions or thoughts of wanting more than what she has in life.
Forgiving and compassionate
Textual evidence:
She had an argument/quarrel with Uncle Bert and had turned him out once. Six weeks later, she asked him to return as she sympathize him. She said he looks so lonely, so lost, living all by himself in a horrid little room with the worn lino and the curtains all shrunk.
Textual evidence:
Lucy could not help wishing her mother would sometimes lose her temper, shout, scream, throw saucepans at the spinning, grinning head of Uncle Bert.
Low expectations
Textual evidence:
She does not expect Lucy to get a job as she was not confident in Lucy’s ability.

A drunkard man who depends on his sister for support.
Dependable and irresponsible
Textual evidence:
He drinks heavily and borrows money from Lucy’s mother.
Textual evidence:
He is concern of Lucy and thought to prepare her supper since she is now a working girl.

Lucy’s boss
Accommodating and concern
Textual evidence:
He is easy to deal with, willing to help and even offers to do something about the typewriter if any problems continue.
Lucy has strong determination to keep her job as secretary of Ross and Bannister’s despite the supernatural forces that tries to fail her. Miss Broome’s spirit lingered in the room where Lucy works and demands her to leave but she shows no signs of giving up. Lucy is steadfast in defending her position as the secretary and she battled fearlessly with the spirit of Miss Broome who haunted the typewriter that Lucy was working on. Due to her strong determination, she managed to hold on to her job at the firm.
Lucy’s mother is a responsible lady who takes care of Lucy and her brother despite of the hard life they have to go through. She manages to keep the bond of family love by forgiving Uncle Bert and accepting him back into the family. Lucy also regretted for being rude to Uncle Bert when she sees his shaking hands and miserable eyes, she apologizes and maintain the family bond. Lucy loves her mother and shares her happiness with her mother when she was successful of obtaining a job as a secretary.
Lucy and Miss Broome are both committed and loyal to their profession. Lucy takes her work seriously and does the job of typing which was given to her successfully. She has to face the battle with Miss Broome who is still attached to her work even after her death. Lucy did not give up even when Miss Broome demanded her to leave. Miss Broome was so possessive towards her job
and also extremely loyal towards Mr. Bannister. Lucy managed to convince her that the late Mr Bannister needs her so she left the office in order to continue her service to Mr Bannister in the after life.

Miss Broome has no friends and family members, so she commits herself to her job seriously and made the office her home. She became so attached to her position in the office and the feel of possessiveness went beyond the grave. Uncle Bert also felt the loneliness in life and became so dependable on his sister, Mrs Beck.
Supernatural is being above or beyond what is unexplainable and natural by natural law. The character of Miss Broome in this story is presented as an ethereal entity. Her spirit lingered in the office where she used to work and haunts the new young secretaries who are supposed to replace her. She writes nasty messages and tries to drive away those who were choose to replace her. She instill the fear and eerie feelings in their hearts to frighten them.

The theme of compassion is revealed in the final confrontation between Lucy and Miss Broome. After hearing about Miss Broome’s life history from Harry Darke, Lucy became sympathetic and understanding. She interacts with the spirit of Miss Broome through typing on the typewriter and finally she managed to convince her of leaving the place. She told her that Mr Bannister needs her in the afterlife and the spirit left in peace. Compassion is also revealed by Mrs Beck to her brother who is lonely and needed a place called home. Lucy also had compassion towards her Uncle Bert and sympathize him as he is a lonely person who has no place to go.
Ø In order to be successful in life, we need to have a positive mind set
Ø On our journey to success, we need to have high level of positive self esteem
Ø In communication, be compassionate not aggressive as compassion heals while aggression causes hurt.
Ø Appreciate and compliment others accordingly
Ø Preserve the family ties and unity through understanding and forgiving
Ø Do not judge a book by its cover
Ø We should not underrate people and their creativeness or abilities.


The Fruitcake Special is the  story if the effects of a perfume on men. It was accidentally created by Anna, a chemist. When Mr Amos gets a whiff of the perfume he feels he is in love with Anna and so invites her out for dinner. He does not behave like a man in love and Anna is surprised and upset. When she wears the Fruitcake perfume again, Mr Amos and a waiter become enticed and both make declarations of love to her. The situation become chaotic when a fight ensues between two men.

§  Illusion vs Reality
§  Be realistic in life
§  Appearances can be misleading
§  We should not be taken in flattery.
§  We must not be too proud of our looks.
§  We must not belittle other people.
§  EXPOSITION – Anna creates a Fruitcake perfume and dabs on it. Mr Amos becomes intoxicated with her when he gets a whiff of it. Anna is very surprise with this sudden interest.
§  CONFLICT – During dinner, Mr Amos is not as attentive as he was in the morning. Anna dabs on the Fruitcake perfume in the ladies room.
§  CLIMAX – Mr Amos becomes enamoured and makes declarations of love to her. A waiter also makes love declarations to her. A fight starts between Mr Amos, the waiter and Sabrina, Mr Amos’ girlfriend. Anna realises it is the effects of the fruitcake perfume.
§  FALLING ACTION – Anna wants to find the ‘special something’ in the fruitcake but is unable to.
§  RESOLUTION – Anna resigns from Amos Cosmetics and she settles for the pizza delivery man, Armstrong, who has his own pizza company.
§  Main characters
  1. Anna, the narrator
  2. David Amos, owner of Amos Cosmetics
§  Minor characters
  1. Narrator’s mother
  2. Narrator’s Aunt Mimi
  3. Waiter at restaurant
  4. Sabina, David Amos’ girlfriend
  5. Armstrong, the pizza delivery man
§  First person point of view
§  Light-hearted and humorous
§  Comedic and entertaining
§  Simple and easy to understand the language
GULP AND GASP by John Townsend

This is a melodrama about a villain, Lord Septic who is greedy for more power, money and fame. He is even ca[able of committing murder to get what he wants. He owns the railways and is after the Gatsby gold. Crouch, Lord Septic’s manservant is a big bully. Rose is a damsel in distress who meets Percy, the hero. They fall in love and he rescues her from a bloody death at the railway tracks. Later, Percy learns he is the heir to the Gatsby gold and is known as Sir Percy. Lord Septic loses everything.

§  Pride goes before fall
§  Greed is  destructive
§  Innocence and beauty
§  One should be humble about one’s wealth and fame.
§  We should be sensitive to people’s feelings.
§  We should live a humble and honest life.
§  An empty train station
§  A cold foggy night
§  EXPOSITION – Lord Septic, the villain, and his manservant Crouch, a groveling bully, are waiting for the midnight express at the train station. Lord Septic owns all the train stations and he wants wealth and power.
§  RISING ACTION/CONFLICT – Rose, a blind flower girl comes to the station. Crouch bullies her and Percy, the dashing hero comes in to help her. He tells her about himself.
§  CLIMAX – Lord Septic hits Percy and ties Rose to the train track. Percy runs off to try and stop the train coming down the track.
§  FALLING ACTION – Percy stops the train and Rose is saved. Percy learns that he is Sir Percy Gatsby and heir to the Gatsby Gold.
§  RESOLUTION – Lord Septic and Crouch, the villains, are tied up and waiting to be picked up by the police. Percy, the hero, proposes Rose and she agrees to marry him.
§  Lord Septic, the villain
§  Crouch the bully
§  Rose the damsel in distress
§  Percy the hero
§  Simple and clear language
§  Dialogue – exaggeration, repetition of words